Cherish yesterday, Dream tomorrow, Live today

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Busy year...?

I hadn't realised it had been so long since my last post. This was why I could never keep a diary!
Well we haven't changed much. Still trying to get divorced (but closer to completing it!) I still work as a carer. I still run a Brownie Unit, but an stepping down to Assistant with Rangers.

I'm now working on an NVQ in Learning and Development which needs to be finished in the next few weeks.
Next year I plan to retrain in holistic massage as mum's health is getting worse so I need to be able to work from home if necessary.

Alanna is now four and a half (mustn't forget the half!) and is acting very grown up somedays. We haven't registered for school so have started on our home educated life. We currently have a massive time line on the dining room wall which I keep looking at and think we should add to. Our seasons/topic table needs something doing with it as it is currently stuck in May with a maypole in the middle. By Alanna's request we have just ordered sticker charts for when she does some reading and writing. She also wants a job chart which I have said after 5 stickers she will get 50p. My daughter thinks it should be either £10 or £100, the next Alan Sugar...?

I've just had a look for pictures from the last year. We have Halloween at the nursery, needed no bribary to wear her outfit. Alanna finally left nursery at Easter this year which was a big step, more for mummy than her I think. we gave each room she had been in a small present and she received a card from each one. Some came in the post a month later which she thought was wonderful!

The snow last year was more fun for her, not sure if it was for Grandad!

In October (just after the Girlguiding centenary celebrations, my friend had her first son who I'm now Godmother to. He winds his parents up no end with what seems like endless illnesses, but hopefully he will get them all out the way now and be healthier for it - hey Sue?!

I discovered Alanna loves trampolining. Particularly with a friend!

This year we seemed to have done loads of trips with photos, plus recently visiting Peppa Pig world, although no photos from it!

We've been to Basing House a couple of times and now have an annual pass. I'm making the most of annual passes this year as next year I'll have to pay for Alanna most places! It is a lovely walk to the grounds as well as around the site.

In April we went to lambing day at the local farm shop and Alanna went on some rides at a local funfair. She now loves the dodgems, but I don't think Grandad is so keen!

She has joined a gardening club called little seedlings at Dobbies garden centre. This is a free club for 4 - 10 year olds and she loves it.

In May we joined in the annual home ed safety day. Alanna loved finding out about the police (although now regularly tells people she's been in a police van without telling them why!) and the fire brigade. She wasn't too sure about first aid, but seemed ok with the RNLI and will happily tell you what colour flags you can swim between.

We went to scarecrow festival at the Vyne. Actually these seem to be everywhere now a days as Overton also had one recently.

In May we went to the Battle of Newbury by the Sealed Knot. Alanna loved this and was actively looking for dead people and also watching the first aid tent! She now has her own sword and shield which most people try to hide from! When she is old enough she wants to join them.

We've also been to Mottisfont Abbey with friends and Wellington Country Park. I think I'll save other visits for another post!

Other updates for the last year include Alanna starting with a childminder who unfortunately has had to take a several months break (hopefully back in the next couple of weeks!), but she has been looked after by a good friend of mine who she has got on well with. Her swimming keeps improving and she can now swim a short distance on her own front and back!

Also I have started a new relationship. It's still early (ish) days, but we have both been through separation so know how we both feel about somethings. He also has children and the youngest is close in age to Alanna so she is getting on well with the whole family. Although we do need to work on the spoil only child scenario! This week we are looking forward to going on holiday for a few days with them.

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